Monday, August 29

I took a picture with them :))

  First Day

Oyea I'm looking good  :))
I took a picture with him on the first day of our intrams  (we call it intrams instead of intramurals. it's so long). He was sitting next to me so I asked someone (can't remember who) to take a picture.

 Second day

I look kinda haggard here. I should have fixed my hair  >,<

I laugh when I see this.  HAHAHA.  I don't know why.  Me and my friend Nelle were supposed to take a picture with Emdi (a freshman) but I couldn't approach him cause . .  I'm shy  XD.  So I took a picture with Zapt instead.  He's a good guy.  I find him very sweet and charming cute  :))  I love how every time I see him he's always smiling.  
PS. I don't have a crush on him

so yea. thanks for reading  :))

Let's play!

Another day of training.  I was about to go to school when my dad stopped me.   He said I should take a picture first.  So of course I agreed.  I love pictures  XD  

I have to say.  I look really cute here  ^-^

so... our intramurals was held last Thursday, Friday and Saturday..  but last Saturday it rained so we couldn't have our championship.  It will be continued this coming Wednesday because we don't have classes today and tomorrow.

I hope our batch will become the overall champion.  As you may know I'm a senior, but the juniors are tough to beat.  The're really striving to win.  Last year when I was still a junior, we became the overall champion.. YES WE WON.  We overpowered the seniors.. but now I'm a little worried that we might lose.  Since they are also capable of becoming the overall champion.  I love our batch.  I believe that we can do anything if we try.  It's just.. some of our batch-mates don't take it seriously. *sigh  I really hope we win.

Wednesday, August 24

topic: grades again (chesca i know your gonna see this) :))

So yea.  We got our Filipino and Physics papers.  It's okay. at least I'm still passing  XD



To my dear followers  (like I have any) my blog's kinda boring ne?  Don't worry.  I'll try to post more interesting things rather than my pathetic grades  :)

Tuesday, August 23

Religion Score

Please don't mind me posting my scores.  I like to keep track of my grades :))  

I go to a Christian school by the way.  So yea  :D

Religion Score

I should be happy that I only got 10 mistakes. . but. . I feel uneasy somehow.  I don't know why. 

Feeling: Confused  O.o

Monday, August 22

Math Test Grade :|

So yea. We got our test papers again. For Math  53! over 80! my gosh. SO LOW  T . T  :((  but at least I'm not the lowest  :)  someone got a 40.  I feel kinda sorry for THEM.

I'm so jealous of my cousin.  He got a perfect 80!  tss.  My seatmate who's like a math nerd got an 81. I'm not kidding. (We had a bonus question worth 5 points)

I hope my other tests won't be a low as this  :|

That's all thank you.

Tuesday, August 16

A Christmas story told through Facebook

Our teacher showed us a video called "a Christmas story told through Facebook".  It's very interesting. please watch  :)

There are a lot of other videos about Jesus like "the Resurrection story of Jesus, twitter style".  It's amazing how many ideas people can think of about Jesus.  If you have time please watch.

That's all thank you  

Friday, August 12

Project in English - Glittering generalities

During our Economics class our teacher showed us the commercial we made last year. HAHA. It's so funny. but since my account got terminated they couldn't watch ours. I made another account and re-uploaded our commercial.  Please watch  :))  Our commercials are so funny, so scripted XD



I especially liked this one  :))

My dad's surprise gift

When my dad got home he was jumping with joy. I was like . . . did something happen? HAHA. He said he had a surprise for me but he didn't say what it was. When I asked he just said  "ang cute"  XD  but he promised to tell me after dinner. After eating he went to his car and when he came back he was holding a paper bag. When I looked inside it was just a plain headset. He asked if I liked it. I just said "like yeah, it's ok" then he went back to his car. when I saw him again he was carrying a big box. He brought it to my room. It was a SLIM LED WHITE TV. OH MY GOSH!!  HAHAHA. the headset was just props  :))

as you can see it's a lot smaller than my old TV.

It looks like a white monitor of a computer. HAHA.
I love you dad!  :))

Thursday, August 11

English test results!

so... we just got our exam paper in English. When I saw my classmates' score I was a kind of.. uhm.. shocked maybe? When I got my paper I was relieved, but I think I could have done better. I'm a little bit happy though.. cause my score is higher than theirs'  XD

My Score in English

Monday, August 8

New crushes ^-^

School crush

I hope he doesn't see this.  XD
I think he's a year younger than me. not sure.. maybe 14 or 15 years old?
He's like one of the schools heart throbs? LOL. 

Online crush
 Nicholas Li  (cloudstrife718)

this is the best i could find  :) 
I found his real FB account. I hope he accepts  ^-^

Exam scores so low :(

Math - 44/65
Filipino - 42/60
Physics - 69/75

as for English, our teacher still hasn't shown us our test papers  -.-

i hate my scores  T . T  but i think it's reasonable cause i didn't study much.

lesson here: don't cram. cramming is bad for the brain  :)